Games List


I used to be addicted to computer games and was having a lot of problems with it, one of them is visual impairment. Don't know why, recently this addiction has been unconsciously cured. There might be 2 reasons behind of it: mid 20 is the age when people stop having interest playing computer games, or games' quality have been dropping steadily since the start of 21st century. I think the latter makes more sense. Games used to be fun and smart more challenging. The games nowadays can be categorised into either farming, cooking, matching diamonds, no offence for the fans ^^

I remember there was a game where you are supposed to help the frog crossing the street, the cars were always moving too fast in my computer (this game was published in 1981 but I was playing with the computer from 1995) and it was impossible to play it. I didn't understand as a kid why someone would even publish a game like that.

Nevertheless, I try to compile a list of games I've ever played in the correct sequence as I could remember.

5 comments: (+add yours?)

Atamert Ölçgen said...

The industry moved towards making more FPSs and generally games with more eye-candy than substance.

But there are still nice games being built by indie developers. Have you checked out Humble Bundle series?

Mark Jr said...

I believe the Game Developers are focusing much more in this new 90s generation... And this 90s generation was raised watching Pokemón and other Low Quality Animes... They didn't have the chance to have a so rich childhood like 80's had... They like puppy things and growing potatoes on farms... We like drama, intensity and strategy... I remember a lot of other games, such as UFO, Constructor, Age of Empires... Where are these games now???? Anyway... Mi Mee, you are a genius... it's amazing a hot girl like you know so much about Geek world :P, keep up the good work ;)

Mark Jr said...

Honey, you gotta write a nice game :P, they keep creating only BS... At least there are some nice games like MS3, MW3, CS...

You definitely don't exist...
+ Smart
+ Gamer
+ Intelligent
+ Reallllly Hot
+ Super Fitness Body
+ Yummy :P
+ Special
+ Speak several languages
+ Thoughtful
+ Humble
+ and a lot of other things that only I know and your blog readers don't even imagine it :P

Momotaro said...

Thanks Mark, that was really sweet and flattering :D

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